Foxpeople (Figuring out Name)

Fox People – Medium Humanoid

Age. (?) reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
Size. The height of (?) is between 4 and 5 feet tall.
Speed. (?) based walking speed is 30 feet.
Fur. The (?) fur comes in shades of red, white and grey.
Languages. The language of the (?) is Dogspeach and they also speak common fluently.

Di-chromatic Vision. (?) are unable to see the colors red and green
Keen Sense. (?) can sense when their is a change in the environment making is so that they are impossible to be ambushed and giving them advantage on rolls avoiding traps.
Extraordinary Hearing. +2 to Hearing (If playing 5E rules +2 to Perception)
Extraordinary Sense of Smell. +2 to Smell (If playing 5E rules ignore this ability)
Agile Creatures. +2 to Dexterity
Quick Runners. Dobermen are natural quick runners. +10ft to Speed.

Subclass Red – Abilities:
Enduring Workers. Ability score increase +2 to Constitution.

Subclass White – Abilities:
Purebred. Ability score increase +1 to Charisma.
House-trained. Gain Proficiency in Performance.

Subclass Grey – Abilities.
Laborers. Ability score increase +2 to Strength.

The (?) appeared with the Dobermen serving them. They are considered by others as just smaller Dobermen, but they are a completely different race.

(?) are the servants and slaves of the Doberman

The packs of the (?) are much like their Doberman masters except they are designated by their fur color. And like their Doberman masters they take on the name of their pack (Ex: A (?) name Rags that has red fur would be called Rags the Red)

Known Packs:
Red – Smaller and skinnier in frame then the rest and are the most common (?) to be seen. They serve as slaves and do the most lowly jobs (Janitors, Prostitutes, Barmaids) They are treated poorly both by their Doberman masters and other (?).
White – Because of their white they are considered the purest of the (?) and normally found in the household of the Dobermen elite serving as butlers and such.
Grey- They are bigger than other (?) so they are used as the labor force of the Doberman, normally found working on docks or hauling goods to other towns.