
Human – Medium Humanoid

Age. Wintorians reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century
Size. The average height of a Wintorian is 5’9″ tall.
Speed. A Wintorian’s based walking speed is 30 feet
Hair. The Wintorian hair color comes shades of Brown and Black, with Blond very rarely showing up.
Eyes. Wintorian normally have Grey and Blue with Green and Hazel occasionally showing up
Skin. White
Languages. The main language of Wintorians is Common

Ability Score Increase. Your Ability Scores each increase by 1
Winterfolk. From living in a harsh winter climate where everyday is a fight against the climate, the weak have perished off leaving only the strong to reproduce and pass on their traits to the next generation. Wintorians get +1 to Constitution and have proficiency in Survival

