
Human – Medium Humanoid

Age. Aratelli reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century
Size. The average height of an Aratelli is 6 feet tall.
Speed. An Aratelli’s based walking speed is 30 feet
Hair. The Aratelli hair color comes in a different shades of brown
Eyes. All Aratelli have brown eyes
Skin. Aratelli spend most of their time in the outdoors so their skin is tanned from the sun
Languages. The main language of the Aratelli is Common

Ability Score Increase. Your Ability Scores each increase by 1
Unarmored Defense. While an Aratellian is not wearing any armor and not wielding a shield, its AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.
Magic Tattoo. The Aratelli … (1 Magic Tattoo)


Nomadic horse warriors that calls the plains of (?) home.